islenska 04.07.06 Michelle
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name: michelle yjl
age: 19
zodiac sign: gemini




Paik Hwa
Chin Yen
Yeong Ean
Shi Mei
Ann Nie
Poon Li-Wei
Corliss Chuah
Su Joo Li
Annona Choong(P)
Annona Choong


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June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Cakes and chocolate. hmmmm...

So my cousin and i decided to bake some chocolate cake, ices it a little and a touch of sprinkles!

Its not fancy or designer ish but one things for sure.... it tasted gooooood!

Carisse's cupcakes.





Thats about it for the day, wont be updating so soon because ill be moving tonight.. no internet connection will be available. *Sigh*( the first time feeling like internet is important to me)

Cheers! from a sunny day..! (clearly the picture doesnt look sunny, well it is, think it was the reflection, bla bla..just imagine it)

Kisses. Peace.

Queen` @* 9:20 PM


New Audi Concept cars! 2009!

TT Lambo

Combine Lambourgini concept to the Turbo TT. OMG Ean, my new dream car!

The Audi Rosemeyer concept is not a prototype ready to be driven, nor was it created in anticipation of a production vehicle. Looking like a suit of armor the Rosemeyer visualises the technological potential of the Audi brand.


Queen` @* 9:06 PM

Friday, July 17, 2009

Crappy Orientation and Walk in city+ moving in.

So i had a bad orientaion, arrived there a few minutes late due to the massive traffic jam,so when i got there, i saw a lady shouting, please evacuate the building, this is a safety hazzard. so aparantly, the orientaion hall was filled to the brim and there were easily 60 students outside the hall with nothing to do, and i was one of them, with a blurred look on my face, i looked around, at the same time scouting to see if any koreans were standing near by. for your information, the place was filled with all asians! no auusies at all!! i was a litttle dissapointed, and there were no koreans in sight,( i think). however, i met a new friend, same age as i am, from singapore, but she was studying at sdyney for 5 years. had lunch with her and took a short tour around rmit with her, we gave ourselves a mini tour since rmit clearly did not expect so many international students to attend. haha. so late i met upwith my dad and we went further out the city. here are some pictures!

of course food comes first! this was the night after.

Forever New. Way better than forever 21!


The public bath.

Ean! can u see the red Audi turbo tt coupe! should have zoomed in, was rushing!Bedroom.Come! cross the street now! Stop taking pictures!Harry Potter's secret dungeon to Hogwarts?HAha. was too bored, took a pic of big bang dancing to we belong together!

the last 2 pics were at the airport, saw a guy all deck in LV suitcases. haha. and krispy kreme anyone???


Queen` @* 11:59 PM

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Pictures so far. Let the pictures do the talking!


nuts anyone??

indoor market.

cheap mini tomatoes!

the onion is gigantic!!

ice cream anyone?

the outdoor market, honestly, it was brighter than this.


Hot jam donuts in the winter. haha no krispy kreme joo li, i must refrain.

A street auction. Bidding starts at $1. Intriguing

This pic is for annona.

See the number plate??Taylor... (taylor swift? taylors university?)

Thats about it. staying in the suburb at the moment so markets are very common. A little bit boring sometimes cause theres not much to do sigh. Moving to city tomorrow so another journey begins. fingers cross and hope ill be able to fit in.
Bye daddy.

Queen` @* 4:09 AM

Monday, July 13, 2009

Random pictures..

er.. i know.. only three people . yea, more pics tmw.. hahah my grandmother is so cute! see study table! busy studying wei.. sweat.. (acting only, those are props)

Queen` @* 5:22 AM